I'm not the oldest in the group of friends, or with coworkers. Or here, hah. :))
FORTRAN is what was in the magazines when I got interested, so I had heard of it early on, for some definitions of early ≈ period of 1985-1989. It had zero practical relevance for me tho.
However my first baby steps were BASIC as that came with the C128 family got, and the freaking ringbinder manual detailing all the commands was good enough to build a two-joystick two-sprite and collision logic minigame. That was the start.
(The manual is an approximation too, as I can't seem to find a photo the BASIC 7.0 one I think I used.)
After primary school a version of PASCAL ca. 1991 that was taught on something mainframe in the teacher's room and multiplex terminals in another.
When I revisited the place in 2004 for a local Python users meetup that was all gone, except for one teacher who felt old, he told me that.
Should you ever make it to the Netherlands, a similar thing in the shape of fist-sized chunks is available as Olibollen. Inevitably you'll make a mess of your coat because powder sugar will go everywhere when you eat in on the go.
Cinnamonroll? I cannot help but think of this cute guy.
But @deanc yours sound attractive too!
Low safeguards agains eff-ups everywhere!!1
I was a fond Motorola phone user at one point. I still receive their offers via email. They remind me of a time long gone when "setting up an outgoing email server" worked by way of bash-scripting and no one cared, or knew about security, however implicit.
I myself may or may not have b0rked up a mass email campaign sent via our hacky tool on the first job. "Dear $fristname," ... lol. Long ago. Product quality focus at Moto may have changed too.
The relative attention to detail too warrants some cynicism: they too seem to have low safeguards agains eff-ups in the marketing domain. In emails they address me as %%=v(@firstname) at times and have funny, wacky autotranslations on the landing or product pages. Oh please.
FWIW, I would maybe still use my Moto X Style of 2015 had the battery not gone down to about two minutes of use in the end, after 3 years. Or my DIY replacement efforts would have worked out, which didn't happen, because the screws they used are both tiny and their head would wear out on attempt to unscrew. Sigh.
I still applaud the excellent cameras, hardly any oversharpening, and overall smooth evenly lit pictures. The Moto gestures. And perfect proportions, good grip and weight distribution. They just don't make them like that anymore. In contrast, sometimes the current Moto product policy makes me shake my head a little, they sure cram very many models into the mid-to-low-tier range.
#marketing #motorola #variables #blastfromthepast #bash #ballsup #oopsie
A slap, I'd give a few. But only the soft kind to co-workers because stuff I tend to want to improve, those ideas sit around too long before, after a slap, people get moving. But this is the good kind.
The many slaps I'd want to give a customer's IT dept for a balls-up on their side would receive. A lapse which cost us dearly in terms of hours. I conducted dozens of hours over the last two weeks dealing with the falllout of their accidental mismanagement. My favourite tool would be the RITA -- The Reliable Internetwork Troubleshooting Agent (as per RFC 2321) many times over until the problem is done away with on their side.
I'm not a slappy person, so what I do is teach people and go like "you fix your sh*t, I'm happy to wait" and keep masking the mood with blobcats.
New bike parts needed, help me decide
So I have this 7+ years old bike that serves me well for city type getting around. Nowadays the chain might jump when I accelerate, which is not good for busy junctions and generally city traffic.
The bike shop repair guy says "bike has shark" referring to the shape of various worn out bits. I'd be in for 150€ of repair costs in replacement parts and labour. All parts traction need replacing, front, chain and rear. See photos; never mind me not cleaning it. This is all the Shimano SiS and Acera stuff the bike came with. The derailleur gears can stay if you ask me.
What parts can I get in order to a) make the next set last longer than the factory default, and b) maybe save me a buck or two if I'm going DIY? Or should I get something different to max out the mentioned, proposed budget? I'm fine with spending that amount or similar if that gives me both peace of mind and 7+ years of hassle-free cycling.
But. Any bike parts website is giving me a headache. Too many options cause choice pollution. I have a hard time from separating marketing blurbs from statements about, say, durability.
I haven't done this type of work in two decades, however I think I can get it right given half a day or so. Any advice on what to get?
#bikes #fedibikes #diy #repair #mastobikes
My guess with these guys was they had planned for a long time and delayed the performance - the day before this happened was very windy, to the point where I would have cancelled the whole thing.
But, they knew what they were doing and on Sunday it was doable. (In the pixelfed gallery there's two photos fopr perspective.)
Malte turned Hovawart, temporarily, in almost all seriousness
I think Malte transformed into a Hovawart. I have new dog, which shall last until he gets showered. Look how happy he is now! #mudfest #puddle
#dogsofmastodon #dogs #dogsofthefediverse #dogsofthefederation #goldenretriever #puppy #狗 #mudfest
Due to intermittent rain every few days the muddy fun never stops
This dog really loves the local mud pit. Thanks to intermittent rain every few days the fun never stops. Do I even need to say we shower him frequently? #mudretriever
#dogsofmastodon #dogs #dogsofthefediverse #dogsofthefederation #goldenretriever #puppy# 狗 #mudfest