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Когда найденное в каталоге моделей для 3D-печати превосходит ожидания...

#pic #3D #printing #diy #log #fun #WTF #animals #pets #dinosaur #raptor #pic

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Have you been to the core of the sun?

Kit Bashir ( says - It’s so adorkable when science articles mention temperatures like “100 million ℃” and them helpfully add “(180 million ℉)” so that Americans who have been to the core of the sun (or Melbourne) can correlate that figure with their lived experience.

It’s so adorkable when science articles mention temperatures like “100 million ℃” and them helpfully add “(180 million ℉)” so that Americans who have been to the core of the sun (or Melbourne) can correlate that figure with their lived experience.

Didi: "Um die kümmern wir uns später"

Danke Michael Vogel!…

Dieter Hallervorden hatte 1995 einen Sketch über die "Aktionsgemeinschaft Freunde der Diktatur" (AFD) gemacht. Der Moderator in dem Sketch ist dabei genauso kritiklos wie heutzutage Caren Miosga oder Markus Lanz. Die Medien haben nicht dazugelernt.…

A rather mediocre #sunset today:
enter image description here
Very few clouds, but the usual air pollution...
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For comparison a slightly more exciting sunset:
enter image description here
#Taiwan #myphoto

This Calendar Features Photos of 'Dogs Pooping in Beautiful Places' | PetaPixel

Mabye I can get this for my parents as a present? Haha!
@Cass M 👋🏽 @Carsten Raddatz @Carsten Raddatz (劉愷恩) @Muse In case anyone of you needs a last minute gift idea!


Carsten Raddatz reshared this.

Can we do something lighter for today? The wonderful John Held Jr. and his map from c. 1930 of "A dog's idea of the ideal country estate" map.
John Held Jr was really an imaginative treasure of the time. Great illustrator and commentator on the culture of the time.

#maps #dog #map

#dog #map #maps

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Low safeguards agains eff-ups everywhere!!1

I was a fond Motorola phone user at one point. I still receive their offers via email. They remind me of a time long gone when "setting up an outgoing email server" worked by way of bash-scripting and no one cared, or knew about security, however implicit.
I myself may or may not have b0rked up a mass email campaign sent via our hacky tool on the first job. "Dear $fristname," ... lol. Long ago. Product quality focus at Moto may have changed too.

The relative attention to detail too warrants some cynicism: they too seem to have low safeguards agains eff-ups in the marketing domain. In emails they address me as %%=v(@firstname) at times and have funny, wacky autotranslations on the landing or product pages. Oh please.

FWIW, I would maybe still use my Moto X Style of 2015 had the battery not gone down to about two minutes of use in the end, after 3 years. Or my DIY replacement efforts would have worked out, which didn't happen, because the screws they used are both tiny and their head would wear out on attempt to unscrew. Sigh.
I still applaud the excellent cameras, hardly any oversharpening, and overall smooth evenly lit pictures. The Moto gestures. And perfect proportions, good grip and weight distribution. They just don't make them like that anymore. In contrast, sometimes the current Moto product policy makes me shake my head a little, they sure cram very many models into the mid-to-low-tier range.

#marketing #motorola #variables #blastfromthepast #bash #ballsup #oopsie

#followerpower Fällt mir ja spät auf, aber manche Fahrradteile sind Verschleißteile. Also, sind dafür gemacht verschlissen zu werden. So auch meine die ich tauschen will, Kette, Kettenblätter, Kassette.

Der gute Mensch im Fahrradladen sagte also, kein Problem er könne mir einen Satz derselben Qualität wieder einbauen. Die Art wie er das sagte dämmerte mir dass ich mir dieselben Probleme nach einigen Jahren wieder einhandele damit. Professionelles understatement mag ich ja.

Also will ich jetzt was besseres (=haltbareres) kaufen, wo man die Kettenblätter verschraubt und ggf einzeln auswechseln kann, und eine Kette die nicht so ein Spiel entwickelt wie jetzt, jedenfalls nicht schon nach (grob überschlagen) 5000km.

SRAM, diese gut? Ich bin immer noch etwas verloren was Hersteller angeht, und die Vorteilskommunikation verwirrt mich.

#bikes #fedibikes #diy #bikerepair #mastobikes

New bike parts needed, help me decide

So I have this 7+ years old bike that serves me well for city type getting around. Nowadays the chain might jump when I accelerate, which is not good for busy junctions and generally city traffic.

The bike shop repair guy says "bike has shark" referring to the shape of various worn out bits. I'd be in for 150€ of repair costs in replacement parts and labour. All parts traction need replacing, front, chain and rear. See photos; never mind me not cleaning it. This is all the Shimano SiS and Acera stuff the bike came with. The derailleur gears can stay if you ask me.

What parts can I get in order to a) make the next set last longer than the factory default, and b) maybe save me a buck or two if I'm going DIY? Or should I get something different to max out the mentioned, proposed budget? I'm fine with spending that amount or similar if that gives me both peace of mind and 7+ years of hassle-free cycling.

But. Any bike parts website is giving me a headache. Too many options cause choice pollution. I have a hard time from separating marketing blurbs from statements about, say, durability.

I haven't done this type of work in two decades, however I think I can get it right given half a day or so. Any advice on what to get?

#bikes #fedibikes #diy #repair #mastobikes

Carsten Raddatz reshared this.

⚖ Thanks to the GDPR, EU users can take action if they think their personal data is being processed illegally.

❓ We have compiled resources to help you exercise your rights!

👉 Today, let's take a look at the right to file a complaint!…

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Carsten Raddatz reshared this.

One for all the coffee drinkers and book readers, avoid the chaos!

#Coffee #Books #Chaos

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New bike parts needed, help me decide

So I have this 7+ years old bike that serves me well for city type getting around. Nowadays the chain might jump when I accelerate, which is not good for busy junctions and generally city traffic.

The bike shop repair guy says "bike has shark" referring to the shape of various worn out bits. I'd be in for 150€ of repair costs in replacement parts and labour. All parts traction need replacing, front, chain and rear. See photos; never mind me not cleaning it. This is all the Shimano SiS and Acera stuff the bike came with. The derailleur gears can stay if you ask me.

What parts can I get in order to a) make the next set last longer than the factory default, and b) maybe save me a buck or two if I'm going DIY? Or should I get something different to max out the mentioned, proposed budget? I'm fine with spending that amount or similar if that gives me both peace of mind and 7+ years of hassle-free cycling.

But. Any bike parts website is giving me a headache. Too many options cause choice pollution. I have a hard time from separating marketing blurbs from statements about, say, durability.

I haven't done this type of work in two decades, however I think I can get it right given half a day or so. Any advice on what to get?

#bikes #fedibikes #diy #repair #mastobikes

Have doggo search for truffles

In the right setting, I hear, training your dog to find truffles is a good thing, rewarding emotionally for both dog and owner.

You ever done that?

After the (probably multi session training) in a controlled environment that ensures reward for the dog you can go elsewhere and do as trained, and find more. Or so I imagine that this works.

Carsten Raddatz reshared this.

Amid the atmospheric forests of Japan’s Yamagata prefecture, Kazuaki Koseki calls upon delightful woodland collaborators in his series "Summer Faeries."…

#fireflies #insects #Japan #landscape #photography #nature

Carsten Raddatz reshared this.

Seen from the northern mountain above the Grand Hotel, Taipei and its many buildings presents green, calm and almost idyllic under white clouds. From this spot in the 圓山健行步道 footpath you see on the left Songshan city airport, on the right side the elevated Xinsheng Expressway leading south. On the far left side you can see Taipei 101, while the newer Nan Shan Plaza building next to it is not yet to be seen when this photo was taken in 2015.
#cityscape #taipei #taiwan

Carsten Raddatz reshared this.

Carsten Raddatz reshared this.

Malte the dog takes his own leash and tries to drag me along when playful. Nooo I want to go the other way! You follow me!! This usually ends with us running around together a bit. Good times. #goldenretriever #maltethedog #park #leash #doglife #dogsofthefederation #dogsofpixelfed #dogsofmastodon #fedidogs #dogsofthefediverse

Carsten Raddatz reshared this.

Heute nicht ganz so konzentriert

Nicht ganz so konzentriert wie sonst, überhaupt nicht immer. Wie ist mir das nur aufgefallen?

Ich glaub ich brauche mehr #Kaffee, dann geht es weiter mit #truenas und Kleinkram im lokalen Netz.


Fedi help with crossposting

How to I auto-crosspost again? Such that posting on pushes post to mastodon, and images from pixelfed get posted here too? I forgot.

Since I'm using this nerdica instance, pixelfed and mastodon, and the last round of setup is from many moons ago, I need to ask.

Thank you in advance; links to given documentation are fine.

#fedi #pixelfed #mastodon #howto

in reply to Carsten Raddatz

Ich hab's nicht hingekriegt und schiebe das erstmal auf. Dünner Geduldsfaden. :/

in reply to Carsten Raddatz

Awesome Emma is more advanced in the water and splashy sciences it seems! Malte the dog sure is awesome too, but swimming still isn't a natural given. He likes to feel the ground beneath the paws