Christmas tree python script

I made a Python script that displays a Christmas tree with flashing lights in the terminal.

import random
import time
from datetime import date
import os

def clear_screen():
"""Clears the console screen."""
os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear')

def display_tree():
"""Displays a Christmas tree with animations."""
colors = [33, 34, 31] # ANSI color codes for yellow, blue, and red
color = random.choice(colors) # Randomly select a color
print('\033[32m') # Set text color to green

# Print the top star of the tree
print(" " * 13 + "*")

stars = 3
for i in range(13):
if i <= 8:
spaces = 10 - i + 1
print(" " * spaces, end="")
print(f'\033[{color}m' + "o" + '\033[32m', end="") # Decorate with a colored "o"
print("*" * stars, end="")
print(f'\033[{color}m' + "o")
stars += 2
# Print the tree trunk
print('\033[32m', end="") # Set text color to green
print(" " * 10 + "#######")

# Reset text formatting

def display_message():
"""Displays the holiday message."""
year = + 1
print(" " * 5 + "MERRY CHRISTMAS")
print(" " * 5 + f"HAPPY NEW YEAR {year}")
print(" " * 5 + "Press CTRL+Z TO EXIT")

def main():
"""Main function to run the animated Christmas tree."""
while True:
time.sleep(0.3) # Pause for 0,3 seconds

if __name__ == "__main__":

#python #python3 #programming #code #christmas #christmas2024 #xmas


только сейчас вижу, что вы тоже на сервере
думаю ответ именно в этом. правила на сервере наверное или мы долго не заходили) я около 6 месяцев

Вернулся к совершенно пустому аккаунту.

Empty account in

I logged in to my account #nerdica, and it is completely empty. As if it had just been created. Why did this happen?
major database corruption ealier this year. I could only recover the accounts.
newer older