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Most pregnant women and unborn babies who contract bird flu will die, study finds
Most pregnant women who contract bird flu will die, according to an Australian review of infections that found most unborn babies with the virus also die.

Caused by influenza A viruses, a severe strain of bird flu known as highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1) is spreading globally.

While this has caused large outbreaks in poultry and wild birds, spillover infections in mammals, human infections are rare and usually limited to people who work in close contact with sick birds and livestock. There is no evidence of transmission between humans.

There have been increasing numbers of human infections associated with the outbreak in some parts of the world including in China and the US. Most human cases have been mild, with just one severe case in the US.

An infectious diseases researcher with the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute in Melbourne, Dr Rachael Purcell, said while many people who became infected with avian influenza were “completely fine, we wanted to look at what is known about what happens to pregnant women”.

“A pregnant woman’s immune system doesn’t work in the same way as it does prior to pregnancy,” Purcell said. “Unvaccinated pregnant women who get other viruses such as Covid-19 or seasonal influenza often get more sick than non-pregnant women, but we really didn’t know much about what happens to women with avian influenza.”

Purcell and her colleagues examined more than 1,500 research papers to identify any confirmed cases of bird flu in pregnant women. They found 30 such cases across China, Vietnam, Cambodia and the US associated with different strains and outbreaks.

Published in Emerging Infectious Diseases, the review found that 90% of women infected with bird flu during pregnancy died, and almost all of their babies (87%) died with them. Of the babies who survived, most were born prematurely.

“What it highlights to us is that whilst the risk of avian influenza becoming the next human pandemic is thought to be low, it’s really important to think about vulnerable populations and how we might protect them and include them in vaccination programs,” Purcell said.

“Despite being a high-risk population, pregnant women are often excluded from vaccine trials, from priority access to therapeutics, and experience delayed entry into public health vaccination programs.”

There are no specific vaccines for avian influenza in humans, though trial vaccines have been developed for pandemic preparedness in some countries. But these vaccines are not recommended for pregnant women because of a lack of safety data.

“That’s one of the challenges we often have with vaccines, as it is considered unsafe to test them in pregnant women,” Purcell said. “I think as we move forward, what we need to do is think about how we get data on pregnant women.

Christmas tree in qbasic/qb64

I ported my Christmas tree code to qbasic/qb64. Works with Qbasic in dosbox and QB64PE

DECLARE SUB DisplayTree ()
DECLARE SUB DisplayMessage ()

FOR delay = 1 TO 3000: NEXT delay 'Replace this line with sleep 1 in QB64

SUB DisplayMessage
year = VAL(MID$(DATE$, 7, 4)) + 1

SUB DisplayTree
DIM colors(3) AS INTEGER
colors(0) = 4 ' Red
colors(1) = 10 ' Light Green
colors(2) = 1 ' Blue

PRINT SPACE$(17); "*"
randomColorIndex = INT(RND * 3) ' Randomly select an index from 0
stars = 3
FOR i = 0 TO 17
IF i <= 14 THEN
spaces = 14 - i + 1
COLOR colors(randomColorIndex) ' Set the text random color
PRINT SPACE$(spaces); "o";
PRINT STRING$(stars, "*");
COLOR colors(randomColorIndex)
stars = stars + 2
' Print the tree trunk
PRINT SPACE$(14); "######"

#programming #dos #dosbox #qb64 #qb64pe #qbasic #xmas #christmas #christmas2024 #basic

только сейчас вижу, что вы тоже на сервере
думаю ответ именно в этом. правила на сервере наверное или мы долго не заходили) я около 6 месяцев

Вернулся к совершенно пустому аккаунту.

Empty account in

I logged in to my account #nerdica, and it is completely empty. As if it had just been created. Why did this happen?

Christmas tree python script

I made a Python script that displays a Christmas tree with flashing lights in the terminal.

import random
import time
from datetime import date
import os

def clear_screen():
"""Clears the console screen."""
os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear')

def display_tree():
"""Displays a Christmas tree with animations."""
colors = [33, 34, 31] # ANSI color codes for yellow, blue, and red
color = random.choice(colors) # Randomly select a color
print('\033[32m') # Set text color to green

# Print the top star of the tree
print(" " * 13 + "*")

stars = 3
for i in range(13):
if i <= 8:
spaces = 10 - i + 1
print(" " * spaces, end="")
print(f'\033[{color}m' + "o" + '\033[32m', end="") # Decorate with a colored "o"
print("*" * stars, end="")
print(f'\033[{color}m' + "o")
stars += 2
# Print the tree trunk
print('\033[32m', end="") # Set text color to green
print(" " * 10 + "#######")

# Reset text formatting

def display_message():
"""Displays the holiday message."""
year = + 1
print(" " * 5 + "MERRY CHRISTMAS")
print(" " * 5 + f"HAPPY NEW YEAR {year}")
print(" " * 5 + "Press CTRL+Z TO EXIT")

def main():
"""Main function to run the animated Christmas tree."""
while True:
time.sleep(0.3) # Pause for 0,3 seconds

if __name__ == "__main__":

#python #python3 #programming #code #christmas #christmas2024 #xmas

Vplog Golpv reshared this.

Вернулся к совершенно пустому аккаунту.
in reply to Vovanium

Кстати да, я тоже. А что произошло?

A rather mediocre #sunset today:
enter image description here
Very few clouds, but the usual air pollution...
enter image description here
For comparison a slightly more exciting sunset:
enter image description here
#Taiwan #myphoto

This Calendar Features Photos of 'Dogs Pooping in Beautiful Places' | PetaPixel

Mabye I can get this for my parents as a present? Haha!
@Cass M 👋🏽 @Carsten Raddatz @Carsten Raddatz (劉愷恩) @Muse In case anyone of you needs a last minute gift idea!


Marisa Papen - poet, artist, activist & naturalist
the curves of your words can tell stories beyond you
they can also convey nothing at all
yet here I am
writing you
you live through me
and I live through you
my eyes use you to make sense of what I see
you have grown inseparable from the idea
language, what do you mean?
are you the truth of all things?
or just the title of a song?
as the mast of my memory
the translator of my heart
the narrative of my dreams
you have painted a world of words for me
you have given my tongue sounds of knowledge
but without you,
would I bow with gestures of universal knowing?
language, don’t just teach me how to speak
teach me how to understand the voice of the wind and the trees

#Marisa-Papen #poet #artist #activist

#PoliticalPodcast time

Episode 801: 2000 Mules and One Big Lie, Eve of the Election…

Skepticrat236 - Votey McVoteface Edition…

#podcast #skepticrat #cognativedissonacepodcast #2024election #Kamalaharris #uspolitics #donaldtrump #comedy

Popular Black Conservative Trump "Loves" Got Outed as a White Guy, Then Nuked His Account…

#Donaldtrump #blackinsurrectionist

Elon Musk, Who Has Ties to Both Epstein and Diddy, Criticizes People With Ties to Epstein and Diddy…

#elonmusk #JeffreyEpstein #diddy

Faith is arrogance masquerading as humility.

To question lifelong religious beliefs is a humble act, as you must be able to admit to the possibility you were wrong.

#atheism #religion #faith

Low safeguards agains eff-ups everywhere!!1

I was a fond Motorola phone user at one point. I still receive their offers via email. They remind me of a time long gone when "setting up an outgoing email server" worked by way of bash-scripting and no one cared, or knew about security, however implicit.
I myself may or may not have b0rked up a mass email campaign sent via our hacky tool on the first job. "Dear $fristname," ... lol. Long ago. Product quality focus at Moto may have changed too.

The relative attention to detail too warrants some cynicism: they too seem to have low safeguards agains eff-ups in the marketing domain. In emails they address me as %%=v(@firstname) at times and have funny, wacky autotranslations on the landing or product pages. Oh please.

FWIW, I would maybe still use my Moto X Style of 2015 had the battery not gone down to about two minutes of use in the end, after 3 years. Or my DIY replacement efforts would have worked out, which didn't happen, because the screws they used are both tiny and their head would wear out on attempt to unscrew. Sigh.
I still applaud the excellent cameras, hardly any oversharpening, and overall smooth evenly lit pictures. The Moto gestures. And perfect proportions, good grip and weight distribution. They just don't make them like that anymore. In contrast, sometimes the current Moto product policy makes me shake my head a little, they sure cram very many models into the mid-to-low-tier range.

#marketing #motorola #variables #blastfromthepast #bash #ballsup #oopsie

Ustav pamäti národa
Vyjadrenie ÜPN k dohode o zmieri medzi MV SR a Andrejom Babišom

Üstav pamāti národa nebol účastníkom súdneho sporu medzi Ministerstvom vnútra SR a Andrejom Babišom, nebol ani účastníkom ich dohody o zmieri, o ktorej sa dozvedel Z médií. Ustav poskytol ministerstvu na jeho vlastnú žiadost dokumenty a analýzy, ktoré dokazujú oprávnenost evidencie Andreja Babiša ako tajného spolupracovníka ŚtB. Ministerstvo vnútra tak podľa ústavu nebolo v dôkaznej núdzi. Ustav tiež ponúkol ministerstvu dalšie konzultácie, či už vecného alebo odborného charakteru. Túto ponuku ministerstvo nevyužilo. Ak by boli zahájené dalšie súdne spory osôb evidovaných ako tajní spolupracovníci ŠtB proti Ministerstvu vnútra SR, je Ústav pamäti národa pripravený poskytnúť ministerstvu súčinnost v podobe poskytnutia kópií archívnych dokumentov a odborných vyjadrení k nim.

Üstavný súd SR skonštatoval, že rozhodnutia všeobecných súdov v prípade Andreja Babiša boli založené na nedôveryhodných svedectvách bývalých príslušníkov StB, kedže títo sa svojou činnostou aktívne podieľali na presadzovaní komunistického režimu a ich pracovnou metódou bola okrem iného aj lož, nemorálne a odsúdeniahodné praktiky. Všeobecné súdy boli preto podla Ustavného súdu SR bezpodmienečne povinné úplne a vyčerpávajúco vo svojich rozhodnutiach odôvodnit, z akých dôvodov považujú týchto svedkov za dôveryhodných a ich výpovede za pravdivé. V predchádzajúcich rozhodnutiach sa však Všeobecné súdy s dôveryhodnostou bývalých príslušníkov ŚtB akO svedkov riadne nevysporiadali.

Kedže Ustav pamäti národa nebol účastníkom daného súdneho sporu, z dohody medzi Ministerstvom vnútra SR a Andrejom Babišom mu nevyplývajú povinnosti. Dohoda o zmieri nestojí nad zákonom, na základe ktorého je ústav povinný zverejniť registračné protokoly StB. Andrej Babiš tak nadalej zostáva v registračných protokoloch StB uvedený ako tajný spolupracovník v kategórii agent.

@Ferda 😼✔️ @Ferda

Ustav pamäti národa
Vyjadrenie ÜPN k dohode o zmieri medzi MV SR a Andrejom Babišom

Üstav pamāti národa nebol účastníkom súdneho sporu medzi Ministerstvom vnútra SR a Andrejom Babišom, nebol ani účastníkom ich dohody o zmieri, o ktorej sa dozvedel Z médií. Ustav poskytol ministerstvu na jeho vlastnú žiadost dokumenty a analýzy, ktoré dokazujú oprávnenost evidencie Andreja Babiša ako tajného spolupracovníka ŚtB. Ministerstvo vnútra tak podľa ústavu nebolo v dôkaznej núdzi. Ustav tiež ponúkol ministerstvu dalšie konzultácie, či už vecného alebo odborného charakteru. Túto ponuku ministerstvo nevyužilo. Ak by boli zahájené dalšie súdne spory osôb evidovaných ako tajní spolupracovníci ŠtB proti Ministerstvu vnútra SR, je Ústav pamäti národa pripravený poskytnúť ministerstvu súčinnost v podobe poskytnutia kópií archívnych dokumentov a odborných vyjadrení k nim.

Üstavný súd SR skonštatoval, že rozhodnutia všeobecných súdov v prípade Andreja Babiša boli založené na nedôveryhodných svedectvách bývalých príslušníkov StB, kedže títo sa svojou činnostou aktívne podieľali na presadzovaní komunistického režimu a ich pracovnou metódou bola okrem iného aj lož, nemorálne a odsúdeniahodné praktiky. Všeobecné súdy boli preto podla Ustavného súdu SR bezpodmienečne povinné úplne a vyčerpávajúco vo svojich rozhodnutiach odôvodnit, z akých dôvodov považujú týchto svedkov za dôveryhodných a ich výpovede za pravdivé. V predchádzajúcich rozhodnutiach sa však Všeobecné súdy s dôveryhodnostou bývalých príslušníkov ŚtB akO svedkov riadne nevysporiadali.

Kedže Ustav pamäti národa nebol účastníkom daného súdneho sporu, z dohody medzi Ministerstvom vnútra SR a Andrejom Babišom mu nevyplývajú povinnosti. Dohoda o zmieri nestojí nad zákonom, na základe ktorého je ústav povinný zverejniť registračné protokoly StB. Andrej Babiš tak nadalej zostáva v registračných protokoloch StB uvedený ako tajný spolupracovník v kategórii agent.

Ferda reshared this.

Ĉiu aspekto de #logseq estas agordebla pere de CSS dosiero. Fine mi trovis en unu el aspektomodeloj (temoj?), kiel aldoni kroman spacon antaŭ la unua-nivela bloko.

#followerpower Fällt mir ja spät auf, aber manche Fahrradteile sind Verschleißteile. Also, sind dafür gemacht verschlissen zu werden. So auch meine die ich tauschen will, Kette, Kettenblätter, Kassette.

Der gute Mensch im Fahrradladen sagte also, kein Problem er könne mir einen Satz derselben Qualität wieder einbauen. Die Art wie er das sagte dämmerte mir dass ich mir dieselben Probleme nach einigen Jahren wieder einhandele damit. Professionelles understatement mag ich ja.

Also will ich jetzt was besseres (=haltbareres) kaufen, wo man die Kettenblätter verschraubt und ggf einzeln auswechseln kann, und eine Kette die nicht so ein Spiel entwickelt wie jetzt, jedenfalls nicht schon nach (grob überschlagen) 5000km.

SRAM, diese gut? Ich bin immer noch etwas verloren was Hersteller angeht, und die Vorteilskommunikation verwirrt mich.

#bikes #fedibikes #diy #bikerepair #mastobikes

New bike parts needed, help me decide

So I have this 7+ years old bike that serves me well for city type getting around. Nowadays the chain might jump when I accelerate, which is not good for busy junctions and generally city traffic.

The bike shop repair guy says "bike has shark" referring to the shape of various worn out bits. I'd be in for 150€ of repair costs in replacement parts and labour. All parts traction need replacing, front, chain and rear. See photos; never mind me not cleaning it. This is all the Shimano SiS and Acera stuff the bike came with. The derailleur gears can stay if you ask me.

What parts can I get in order to a) make the next set last longer than the factory default, and b) maybe save me a buck or two if I'm going DIY? Or should I get something different to max out the mentioned, proposed budget? I'm fine with spending that amount or similar if that gives me both peace of mind and 7+ years of hassle-free cycling.

But. Any bike parts website is giving me a headache. Too many options cause choice pollution. I have a hard time from separating marketing blurbs from statements about, say, durability.

I haven't done this type of work in two decades, however I think I can get it right given half a day or so. Any advice on what to get?

#bikes #fedibikes #diy #repair #mastobikes