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2024-11-15 01:18:08
Marisa Papen - poet, artist, activist & naturalistthe curves of your words can tell stories beyond you
they can also convey nothing at all
yet here I am
writing you
you live through me
and I live through you
my eyes use you to make sense of what I see
you have grown inseparable from the idea
language, what do you mean?
are you the truth of all things?
or just the title of a song?
as the mast of my memory
the translator of my heart
the narrative of my dreams
you have painted a world of words for me
you have given my tongue sounds of knowledge
but without you,
would I bow with gestures of universal knowing?
language, don’t just teach me how to speak
teach me how to understand the voice of the wind and the trees
#Marisa-Papen #poet #artist #activistMarisa Papen • Home
Marisa Papen (1992) is a poet, artist, activist & naturalist. She is internationally known for her evocative work involving religion, body freedom & censorship.Marisa (Marisa Papen)