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Like my other introduction, but on Lemmy

Hello, I go by Liwott, and I like playing with Fediverse's interoperability, so I'll do that to reshare my introduction in a comment.

Introductions reshared this.

in reply to Liwott

A long overdue #introduction

With all the new people arriving and doing things properly, I realised that I didn't, at least not on the #ActivityPub #Fediverse. I did write an #introduction first time I registered on a #diaspora pod in 2019. It was on, now down, and all I could find from it was the beginning of the french version, that I had crossposted to #Twitter. It goes like this

Je suis #nouveauici sur
Je suis belge d'origine italienne, un citoyen européen en somme ! Je suis étudiant en physique théorique. J'ai dédié une partie de ma vie au scoutisme et à la jonglerie. Après m'être émancipé des idées nationalis...

which means

I'm #newhere on
I am Belgian of Italian origin, a European citizen in short! I am a theoretical physics student. I have dedicated part of my life to scouting and juggling. After emancipating myself from nationalist ideas...

Oh ! I remember the end of that joke, I meant to say that after learning a language that I don't use to communicate, I was trying to emancipate myself from the #GAFAM by signing up to a social network where none of my social life stands.
That was true, and so I stopped using diaspora before even finishing replying to the comments I got to that post.

I registered as @Liwott on the #Mastodon instance #Framapiaf around the same time, and also dropped it around the same time.
While I never actually came back to Mondiaspora, I did bounce on and off Framapiaf a couple of time, and noticed the increasing interconnectivity of the Fediverse.
For example, in the summer 2020, I wrote a few comments to @G-Droid which I still think is a great functionality.
I came back when there were more and more nice #Peertube videos, in particular with the appearance of @TILvids.
In the meantime, I had registered as u/Liwott on #Reddit for the topical forums, and looking for FOSS alternatives, I ended up registering on #Lemmy as @Liwott.
I had a good time there and was absolutely delighted when it started interacting with Mastodon.
However, I soon noticed that Mastodon's functionalities (toot length limit, no downvotes, ignored quotes) and layout were not that appropriate to interact there, and that's when I decided to try out #Friendica.
So I silently signed up here on #Nerdica, and I am very happy about that !
Lemmy compatibility also improves much faster with Friendica than with Mastodon, so what else do you need.

I am also a fan of lame transitions, so let me say that, more than an introduction, this sounds like a ridiculously long version of the zeroth slide of a talk, like

First of all let me thank the admin @Ingo Jürgensmann and the various devs for giving me this wonderful opportunity to share about myself

Usually it's about my work, but towards the recent end of my PhD I decided I did not want to do that anymore.
Although I am more of a #SouthPark fan, I am a family guy (did I mention my passion for lame #puns already?), so everyone who works in #research can feel me when I say that academia was not for me.
Instead, I decided that I want to be #teaching in high school when I grow up, so the "I am a physics student" part of the aforementioned introduction is still technically true.

I disseminated some in the text already, but let me finish in the same way that I finished the diaspora introduction, with the same string of hashtags : #belgium #italy #physics #scouting #juggling #esperanto

in reply to Liwott

@Ingo Jürgensmann
I guess you were notified again because you were mentioned inside that quote? That was not intended, sorry about the spam if that's the case !
in reply to Liwott

This entry was edited (1 year ago)