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I have often thought about this. The most obvious is an Ars Magicka style game, where instead of the schools being inherit to the PC, place the schools in items, and allow mastery. Meaning different kinds of spells are available based on your choices.

BTW, here is a thing I like about FF7 that merits tabletop use.

Most magic comes from widgets called "Materia", but you can just consider them widgets. Each widget does one thing, sometimes in degrees. So it might boost your HP, or it might allow you to cast three fire spells.
in reply to silverwizard

Tightly schooled systems work well for this. Although, having Fate skills attach to Materia works well too. Especially if you take a note from FFVII and let different Materia level up, and then allow it to move between PCs while keeping its levels.
in reply to silverwizard

I only vaguely remember how materia and slots work, and may be confusing the system with FFVIII >.<
but it does sound interesting!
in reply to Patrick Marchiodi

I also don't know it too well - but having slots, and powers in them, and those powers being minor, but leveling independently