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Hey everyone, I'm #newhere. My name is Joel Tagert, and I am the current office manager for the Zen Center of Denver, a Buddhist sangha (community) in Denver, Colorado, offering authentic Zen practice and training, including daily seated meditation (zazen), weeklong retreats (sesshin), and a growing number of additional programs and practice opportunities.

I am interested in fostering social networks more in line with Buddhist values (i.e. not run by major corporations), reclaiming commons, and connecting with other Buddhists worldwide.

I have investigated Diaspora before, and found what most people find: that without a critical mass of contacts, it can feel like speaking into a void. My thought, however, is that perhaps rooting its use in an existing community already predisposed toward commons can provide ready social connections and therefore a stronger motivation for individuals to switch from existing social networks. Any thoughts on the subject are very welcome.

#buddhism, #denver, #engagedbuddhism, #meditation, #zen, #zenbuddhism, #zazen, #commoning, #commons